Part 2 - TEN TIPS FOR RIDING TWO-UP | Stickman Vinyls


Part 2 of this article continues to educate and prepare you for riding two-up. If you are truly want to take that special someone on your bike, ensure that both you and 'her' are all ready for it...


Relaxed but not fidgety

Your passenger should be relaxed but not so relaxed to squirming around all the time, especially when riding through traffic or offroad.


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Make adjustments to the bike

Increase the rear tire pressure to what’s recommended for riding two-up, besides the rear shock preload to compensate for the extra weight. Low tire pressure will cause a wobbly rear. Too little preload will cause the rear to squat (even bottom out) and take weight off the front.

Do adjust the headlamp(s) should it turn into a searchlight.


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The bike’s performance will change

Always keep in mind that the pillion’s extra weight will also cause the bike to accelerate more sluggishly and take a longer distance to brake, similarly with turning and avoiding hazards. Hence, always think ahead much further than if you were riding alone.


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Be smooth

What’s the point of trying to show off your skills to your pillion, unless if she’s like one of CJ’s girlfriends.

Keep it easy by being modulating the throttle and brakes as smoothly as possible. It’s not the time to attempt a kneedown. Take it easy and enjoy the ride from start to finish. Let them feel that riding is actually exhilarating and that you’re a cool and considerate guy, regardless if you’re trying to woo her or otherwise.


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